Friday, June 27, 2008

Sir, where's my paper?

An NS man enlists into the army like every other guy and goes about the usual routine. However after the end of every training, he will go to his officer and ask, "Sir, where's my paper?". This went on for quite some time and the officer felt that this NS man needed medical attention.

So, he sends him on a series of psychiatric examinations to evaluate his mental state. The NS man passed all the examinations without any problems and was certified both mentally and physically fit for NS. The puzzled officer brought him back to training and his worst fear came true - He was asked that same question again and again, "Sir, where's my paper?". Feeling that something was amiss with this NS man although he managed to be certified fit, he pulled him out of training one day and told him he can go home now. It was the end of his NS.

And so the NS man packed his things and proceeded to the office to receive his certificate for completion of NS. Once outside, he called his friends who were still inside and told them, "This was the paper I was asking for.".

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